Neuron Consulting LLC

David J. Bauer, Ph.D.

Academic Program Evaluator
I provide professional evaluation services for academic programs funded by government agencies including NSF, NIH, and NASA.

What I do

I evaluate the effectiveness and impact of academic programs, with an emphasis on large federal grant initiatives such as NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) and Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU). My approach includes both formative and summative components. Core services include: developing evaluation frameworks and plans aligned to program objectives, designing and implementing mixed-methods (quantitative and qualitative) data collection protocols, analyzing and visualizing data to synthesize and communicate key findings, and generating evaluation reports with actionable recommendations. My goal is to provide data-driven insights that support continual improvement, demonstrate value, and position programs for future funding and success.

Project Management

I develop evaluation plans and track progress to deliver results on time and within budget.

Evaluation Design

I create customized mixed-methods designs aligned to program needs, balancing rigor with feasibility.

IRB Expertise

I help program leads understand, navigate, and complete the IRB approval process.

Quantitative Analysis

I apply descriptive and inferential techniques to analyze complex datasets using statistical software to model outcomes and uncover trends.

Qualitative Analysis

I synthesize themes from interviews, focus groups, and surveys to provide contextual understanding.

Data Visualization

I develop compelling graphs, charts, and infographics to communicate findings to stakeholders.

Report Generation

I compose clear and concise reports that highlight program accomplishments and provide actionable recommendations for improvement.

Stakeholder Engagement

I collaborate with program leaders and staff in a participatory, inclusive manner to ensure that the evaluation process aligns with program needs.